Slide #4

Charlize Theron: Apple Bong
Listen. This is California, where even the elected officials will basically tell you that there's nothing wrong with a lil' weed every now and again. So let's be clear up front, we're not judging Charlize for getting a little blunted in her well-earned spare time. What I would be remiss to not mention, however, is that she's choosing to get crispy by hitting a hollowed out apple, which is about as High School as High School Moves get. Seriously, Charlize? Your last film, Young Adult, got you all sorts of critical praise, and some reports have you making more than $10 million for Snow White And The Huntsman. So all I'm saying is, you can afford a vaporizer, a ROOR, or even a $1.99 pack of Zig Zags. As Deena from "Jersey Shore" would say, "It's a little bit more classier." You know? [via]
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