Slide #5

Shia LaBeouf Stops A Fist With His Face
In case you somehow missed this delightful story, actor, humanitarian, and self-proclaimed rebel (FYI, if you've ever had to call yourself a rebel, you're not a rebel) Shia LaBeouf got ground-and-pounded* a few weeks ago outside a Vancouver bar by a hefty shirtless gentleman, an act of loving mercy that was thankfully caught on videotape. To look at it another way, Shia bravely broke up a fight by heroically blocking the fat man's fist with his face, over and over again. In fact, one could even say that he was defending America against the increasingly violent Canadian menace. What's your deal, Canada? You used to be like our friendly, if annoying, younger brother, but now you're more like our scary-when-he's-drunk, needs-to-see-a-therapist younger brother. Is it just Vancouver? I got attacked by an Asian street gang in Montreal once, but if we're being honest, I really brought it on myself. It's really never a good idea to make fun of somebody's face tattoo. *credit to FilmDrunk [video and photo via]
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