Slide #4

Kelly Osbourne, Dog Whisperer
While her old man was always more content harming animals than, say, protecting them from harm, Kelly Osbourne seems to have more of a soft spot for all God's creatures. Last year, however, she paid the price for it, suffering elbow injuries while attempting to separate two dogs fighting at her mother's house. Apparently, Kelly fractured her radial head, which sounds painful. Kelly, elbows aren't for breaking; they're for violently slamming into opponents on the basketball court. Just ask Ron Artest! Anyway, who could fault her for trying to stop two adorable doggies from tearing each other to shreds? Kelly seems like a really spiritually attuned individual: this incident proves that she has compassion for the animal kingdom, and since she also takes care of Ozzy from time to time, we know she cares about vegetables, too.     [photo via]
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