3. Saint

Saint is adorable, but we all know he has the potential to do so much better than he is doing right now. He's never really said anything funny or given a memeworthy facial expression. He just kind of... sits there being gorgeous. I do the same thing, but if I pulled the audience he was pulling, I would.... okay I would probably still do the same thing. I'm also really rooting for Saint because he's the middle child and middle children have to rise above. They may underwhelm you at surface level but they actually have so much potential. Take a gap year and see a shrink, I guess, Saint. I'm a 26 year old middle child who still hasn't lived up to her potential, but I've got time because, much like you, I am extremely good looking. 

Also, my name Millicent means 1000 Saints. Which means I'm 1000 times better than him, and I suck so much that I judge innocent children who have done nothing wrong on a public forum. So what does that tell you about Saint?

[Photo via @_north.west_]

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