4. Reign

Let's be honest, Reign only made it this far on the list because he's extremely good looking. Looks are all he has going for him at this point. Kourtney openly admitted in 2013, "I would have a third child just to eat my placenta" because she's an ethnic Gwyneth Paltrow. So she literally only had Reign for the placenta and lucked out because he's a little cutie. She claims she doesn't post many pics of her kids because she wants to "give them their privacy" yet she posts pictures of Reign all the time. I know he's only two so he still has time to get his shit together, but he doesn't really have much of a personality. 

I also want it to be known that when I first wrote this, Reign was actually ranked higher on this list. Then he also decided to get rid of his manbun. So now Reign is kind of totally dead to me. 

[Photo via @kourtneykardash]

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