The London Look: Tara Francis

by Guest of A Guest · June 12, 2024

    When it comes to enhancing your natural beauty, Dr. Tara Francis is the go-to dentist slash facial aesthetic practitioner in town. She even has her own academy, The London Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, where doctors, dentists, and nurses come to learn her tricks of the trade.

    Curious where you'll find this Londoner out and about?

    Where are you from originally?
    Born and raised in London but originally Middle Eastern.

    How long have you been here?
    Since popping out my mama.

    What neighborhood do you call home?
    Currently Ealing.

    What's your job?
    Dentist and facial aesthetic practitioner.

    What do you actually do all day?
    Think about how much I love dogs.

    Social smoker?

    Go-to pint?
    Matcha Latte - if that’s allowed.

    Crisp of choice?
    Paprika - a smoky spice - how I like to think I am haha.

    Preferred pub?
    Not really a pub gal sadly.

    What's worth the wait?
    Food deliveries.

    Tube or Boris bike?
    Tube (my balance is terrible so bikes are no fun for me).

    Tesco or Sainsbury's?
    Tesco. Sainsbury’s blueberries always go mouldy after day 1.

    Weekend getaway trip?
    A nice spa hotel with a gym and greenery.

    Favorite restaurant?
    Persian Palace - the most delicious Persian food.

    Marmite or marmalade?

    British stereotype that rings true?
    The unpredictable weather and how we love to talk about how unpredictable the weather is.

    How do you take your tea?
    Strong, with a dash of milk, hot - has to be really hot.

    Most British thing about you?
    My name.

    Least British thing about you?
    My food choices.

    Remedy for a rainy day?
    A waterproof coat and umbrella and a long walk. Then back home for a matcha latte.

    First thing you miss when you leave London?
    The cultural diversity and food.

    Private Members Clubs - yay or nay?
    Some yay some nay.

    Where in town are you almost always?
    Either St John’s Wood for work or Ealing at home.

    Best place for a fun night out?
    Something activity based like Flippers, Puttshack, Fairgame. The comedy club is also fun.

    How would you describe your style?
    Sometimes mum of five on a school run (I have no human children), sometimes elegance, sometimes tomboy.

    Top shopping spots?
    Covent Garden, Portobello.

    What's your greatest extravagance?

    Cheap thrill?
    Freshly washed bed sheets.

    Reading anything good at the moment?
    Esther Perel - mating in captivity - I’m obsessed with this woman and the way she explains things so eloquently.

    What are you most excited for next?
    All the wonderful unknowns that tomorrow will bring.

    [Photos by Kirk Truman]