How Does Art Influence Your Life?

ed and celineEd: I grew up in the household of a painter. Any given room was lined with paintings, a wall of art books, or was fully equipped with easels and palettes; subsequently I grew more used to the smells of oil paint and turpentine than baked goods or air fresheners. Between my surroundings, my parent’s intent on bringing us to museums, and a very probable genetic disposition, I spent a lot of my youth drawing, painting and creating. Up until my decision to not move forward with art school during the college application process, art had been a driving force in most of what I did. My other interest was math, which lead to the eventual pursuance of a degree in finance and left me very little time to tap any artistic energy outside of excel formatting and PowerPoint designs. In a way though, art has always been slightly present in everything I did. Now it’s just the focus of everything I do. Celine: Creativity is something that has always fascinated me. I truly believe that it is the one thing that differentiates ourselves from each other. We may be inspired by other people or other things but what we create out of that is totally our own. Math and science are things that anybody can learn with the right amount of determination but art and creativity is something that has to be cultivated and continually explored.
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