How Do You Find Artists?

victoriEd: A question I very often receive in this line of work is: “How do you find your artists?”, whether it’s asked by an artist looking to understand how to be discovered, a friend who simply has no idea how our industry functions, or other dealers perhaps looking to draw insights. My answer to this question is consistently: “everywhere”. There’s no formula to finding good artists and it’s probably one of the very things that define a good gallery. But being constantly present where creative work is being done is important. I visit bohemian areas and artist collectives in other cities, visit shows of all artistic levels, pour through thousands of websites, and really just see as much work in person as I can by visiting studios. Celine: I tend to find artists I like through open studios and various art websites, such as Artspace or Artsy. Open studios is great because the artist is usually there, so you can ask about the work and what inspired him or her. For me, I have a greater appreciation for a body of work if I can learn about the where the artist comes from and what fuels their work.
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