Now Nicki Minaj has never actively antagonized Taylor Swift and would probably not consider herself Anti-Taylor Swift. However, after her record breaking video for "Anaconda" was snubbed for the Video of the Year award, Minaj spoke out about the injustices that non-white female artists face in the industry. She tweeted, "When the 'other' girls drop a video that breaks records and impacts culture they get that nomination" and continued, "If your video celebrates women with very slim bodies, you will be nominated for vid of the year."
T. Swift saw the tweets and immediately assumed that everything was about her. She responded, "I've done nothing but love & support you. It's unlike you to pit women against each other. Maybe one of the men took your slot.."
Ever the diplomat, Nicki answered with "Huh? U must not be reading my tweets. Didn't say a word about u. I love u just as much. But u should speak on this" when she should have just dragged the girl for trying to call her out for being anti-feminist. Contrary to what Taylor hypocritically insisted, Nicki wasn't "pitting women against each other," she was calling out a crooked, racially-biased industry, one that Taylor is constantly benefiting from.
Swift, out of character, publicly admitted she was wrong and apologized. However, always ready to contribute, Katy Perry sustained the debacle and tweeted "Finding it ironic to parade the pit women against other women argument about as one unmeasurably capitalizes on the take down of a woman..." to which Camilla Belle replied, "Couldn't have said it better . . ." Me neither, Camilla, me neither.