"Best $2k I Ever Spent!" Murder Is The New Party Trick

by Chiara Atik · February 3, 2010

    People who are tired of the same old DJs, dancing, and bottles of champagne that are staples of the New York nightlife scene should definitely head down to Miami, where some parties are so f'd up and twisted, you'll be content playing with sparklers at Revel for the rest of your life.-

    Seriously, this party is the absolute weirdest thing that I've seen in all my time writing about nightlife for Guest of a Guest. Scroll down for one bizarre, messed up ride...

    The event took place last Saturday in Miami's White Room. It started out innocuously enough; apparently, attendees were instructed to come dressed as animals.

    This girl is confused cause she obviously didn't know it was a costume party.

    So yeah, it's a little strange...

    But not alarmingly so....

    Just a bunch of people, hanging around, having a good time...

    ...dressed like animals.

    ...And then, this happened.

    And THEY came in to the animal party...

    And now this girl is really starting to get concerned...

    Because this happened....

    Which quickly turned into this...

    Which the crowd just loved, except for our girl, who is just can NOT believe her life right now.


    When the murder was over, the animals really just needed a cigarette.

    Looks like someone drank the kool-aid....

    [All photos via The CobraSnake]