"Best $2k I Ever Spent!" Pole Dancing Competition At The Imperial

by Chiara Atik · February 2, 2010

Were you impressed with Pink's acrobatic turn at the Grammys? Amateur stuff. Take a look at these pole dancers from last Friday night's "Pole Superstar" competition; they literally seem to defy gravity as they twist and contort themselves around a metal pole. -

If that sounds overly sexual, well, it is pole dancing. But when you think about it, these women aren't really wearing that much less than Olympic gymnasts wear to compete. Also, one woman wore a turtleneck, so.

And while typically when one thinks of pole dancing one thinks of dingy joints by the free way and crowds of leering men, the audience at The Imperial seems to have been comprised more of fellow dancers, there to cheer on the women (and man, actually!) competing for the $10,000 prize.

Call them strippers, performers, or artists: whatever you may think, it's hard to not be impressed by their athleticism.

And if you think you might be missing your calling, check out this Intro To Pole Dancing Event this Thursday...except this one is women only; sorry, guys.

The Turtle Neck Woman                  Barbara Dial

That looks difficult.

Diane Passage                                 Michelle Stanek


[All photos by ZACH HYMAN for PMc].

["Best $2k I Ever Spent!" Pole Superstar And SPiN Launch Party]

["Best $2k I Ever Spent!" NYC's Ultimate Pole Dancing Competition]
