Eavesdropping In: Bigots Believe What They Like, I.E. That Obama Is Muslim, Lindsay Lohan's Getting Big Bucks For An Interview, And Russell Simmons Woke Up In The Twilight Zone

by MADELEINE STARKEY · August 19, 2010

    Even more idiots believe Obama is Muslim than ever before [WaPo]

    Lindsanity to get $1 million for first post-rehab interview [PerezHilton]

    Russell Simmons is heated about this whole ground-zero mosque issue...have you heard about this? [HuffPo]

    Is sex a "basic human right?"  A British social worker argues yes, and defends her patient's right to use taxpayer money to visit prostitutes [Salon]

    Facebook copies Foursquare and now offers location app.  Stalkers rejoice! [WSJ]