The Hill's Most Beautiful People...Not So Beautiful

by MADELEINE STARKEY · July 28, 2010

    So The Hill released its 50 Most Beautiful People list this morning.  Yawn.  While some of those featured certainly are lookers (hello, Ben Dunham) there are far more questionable inclusions than those that are justified.  Which sadly confirms the stereotype that D.C. isn't the best looking town.

    On the Hill at least.  It's quite upsetting.  We almost wonder what Alexis Latifi is doing working in the Hill.  She must be so distracting to her less-than-mediocre colleagues!

    We have the utmost respect for all the hard working people on the Hill and all that jazz, but give us a break, The Hill.  If there aren't fifty good looking people, don't force the list.  Make it ten best, or twenty-five (which is a stretch).

    Here are a few from the top ten who should, bless their hearts, not be:










    Rep. Chu is not unattractive, but number seven?!











    If Senator Gillibrand is the third best looking person on the Hill, the Hill is one sad place to work.











    Miss Vakkalanka is actually quite beautiful, but this has got to be one of the worst pics we've seen on the whole list.  Who advised her to pose like that?  Was that the best shot they could get?  Unbutton your damn blazer, young lady.

    However, the list does contain some people who don't offend the eyes.  Sadly, however, most are way too low on the list.  Who chooses the order of this line up, anyway?

    Here's our top 10, in no particular order:










    Alexis Latifi (Republican) one ranking we agree with.









    Ben Dunham (Democrat); Yum









    Hudson Hollister (Republican); Cute!









    Blair Mixon (Republican); Such skin!









    Ashley Patterson (Democrat); That blazer is perfection









    Anina Caso (Democrat); Those eyes...









    Amit Bagga (Democrat); Look at that bone structure!









    Jessica Knight (Democrat); Stunning









    Stephanie Sonksen (Republican); If someone could just fix her hair, she'd be simply adorable.









    Schylr Greggs (Republican); Great smile, my man