Cyndi Ramirez, Marched in DC

I marched because I care. I care about my country. I care about women's reproductive rights. I care about immigrant families and native ones. I care about black lives. I care about LGBTQ rights. I care about maintaining diversity as a first generation Colombian-American. I care about staying the inspirational country my parents migrated to in order to keep me safe.

I also worry about the divisiveness this administration is initiating and the anger that it's perpetuating. I worry that our views are becoming more and more one sided and that we're turning against one another. I worry that I don't know what the answer to this problem is, but I marched with the intention that it may help Trump supporters see it as a unifying movement, not as an event for "privileged women who have it kind of good already." And even if we do have it pretty good, why should we be complacent? Why shouldn't we fight to at the very least keep our rights?

[Photo via @cyndiramirez]

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