The Graham Hotel's VIP Opening

The Graham Hotel's VIP Opening
Where: The Graham Hotel Who Was There: Maureen Beach, Marlena Kent Cooke, Heather Darazs, Janet Donovan, Todd Flournoy, Rodrigo Garcia, Kirston Good, Erika Gutierrez, Michele Hudson, Alexis Levine, Becca Clara Love, Flavius Mihaies, Cori Sue Morris, Sondra Ortagus, Allison Prescott, Bennett Richardson, Dr. Chris Rothstein, Ryan Seelback, Leo Schmid, Paul Wharton. Other Details: Last night, socials sipped on champagne and cocktails with dumplings and steak bruchetta at the VIP opening of the posh Graham Hotel in Georgetown. The roof was packed by 8pm and overflowing by 9:30pm.
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