On Paying It Forward

GofG: What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten and what would you say to others who are looking to become an entrepreneur? SP: The number one thing I try to tell people when they want to start a business is to believe in themselves, believe in the product they have and bring it to life. I believe that any person can succeed at anything if they have a good idea and are willing to put the time in. I tell people flat out: when you’re starting a new business, you should be willing to dedicate 100 hours or more a week to that business if you really want to be successful. The struggle, or the reason people don’t start their own business, is that there are too many naysayers, there are too many people that will tell you “you can’t do it,” “that idea has been tried,” or “you’ll never succeed.” I tell people the opposite. If you believe you can, if you’re willing to put the time in, you can do it. I try to tell all entrepreneurs that as for advice that. I’ve seen so many ideas, that I originally thought were so out of the box, that turned into million dollar ideas because someone truly believed and worked for it. So, my number one bit of advice is believe in yourself and push yourself—listening to the haters is a waste of time because they’re not thinking of you and your possibilities. [Photo via]
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