On The Importance Of Partnerships

GofG: Tell me about your partners in your various businesses. SP: What has really helped me succeed, the #1 thing, has been owner partnerships. From day one, I’ve had an incredible relationship with Mike and Nick Cordero. They’re a father-son team that owns other venues, like Primetime in Fairfax and Bronx Pizza in Clarendon. The three of us working together has been a smash hit from day one, from operating A-Town to then working at Flat Iron to Don Tito. Another thing we have on our side is that we have other partners on top of the three of us that manage our restaurant group—at Flat Iron we have John Rennich, at Don Tito we have Jason Fisher and DeMagistris. Strong partnerships is what has led to all the success that I’ve had, by having people that share the same vision and that can do different things. Mike and Nick have significant experience running back of the house things, like the kitchen and food, so that gives me the flexibility and availability to focus all my efforts on the front of the house. All the server and bartender teams to the hosts, as well as the marketing stuff as well, is my territory. The partnership balances us really well and I simply couldn’t have accomplished what I have without it. [Photos via]
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