Interview: Jorey Ramer, Founder, SUPER

What digital service would you love to create or see someone create?

Before starting Super, I looked at a lot of different emerging technology sectors that are fascinating, but have unclear adoption curves, such as wearable, bitcoin, and drones. One area that I’ve been quite skeptical about for a very long time, having experienced earlier versions, is virtual reality. After Facebook’s acquisition of Oculus Rift, it’s clearly a sector with a lot of attention and venture capital investment. Having tried HTC’s VR headset very recently, I was blown away.

Like anyone who loved classics like William Gibson’s Neuromancer or Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash (and having been underwhelmed by experiences like Second Life), I’m fascinated by the VR experiences to come, and the impact they will have on the way we communicate. I think the real breakthrough from here forward will be found not in a better headset, but in experiences that are engaging and that rapidly grow audiences beyond the early adopters. When a VR experience eventually captures the imagination of both my parents, that’s going to be a fascinating digital service and have a big impact on society.

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