Annie Perezchica Wood

Annie Perezchica Wood Age: 38 Hometown: Bakersfield, CA Your Hood: Capitol Hill Position: Events Director How long have you lived in DC? 14 years. Favorite thing about working in PR? Events…naturally! What’s your favorite local spot in your neighborhood? Eastern Market and Lincoln Park. Describe your personal style. Classic with a little Boho chic thrown in for good measure. Favorite restaurant or dining spot? I have a lot! Capitol Lounge or the Argonaut for weekend brunch with my daughter, El Centro for drinks with the girls, and Sonoma or Bearnaise for dinner with the hubby. Favorite place for a shopping spree? The World Wide Web. Name one thing in your closet that you can’t live without? Boots… flat, stacked, tall short, leather, suede. They're my must-have. Least favorite misconception about DC? That you need to move to New York, Guilty pleasure? Sleep! How would the other girls at BrandLink describe you in 2 words? Social chair.

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