Lohan at WHCD

Lindsay Lohan Invited To The White House Correspondents' Dinner
[Lindsay Lohan with a bunch of wine bottles and glasses at WHCD via] Lindsay Lohan was the controversial guest of honor at the White House Correspondents' Dinner this year, as the guest of Greta Van Susteren (she also brought Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner, eyeroll). Hollywood invites are usually reserved for people that are classy and talented, like Kate Hudson, Reese Witherspoon, Harvey Weinstein and Georgina Chapman...but Lindsay knew she was there for entertainment purposes, and she stained the dinner while not surprising anyone in the process. The troubled starlet almost didn't make the big weekend because she missed multiple flights getting here! Nevertheless, she made it here just in time to entertain us with stories of crying in the Hilton bathroom, snapping at guests at her table, and wearing too much of this horrific red lipstick in April. Can we please stop giving Greta plus-ones? [Related: WHCD 2012 Party Round-Up!] [Hilary Rosen, Shawn Chapman, Kris Jenner, Greta Van Susteren, LiLo, Susan Axelrod, John Coale via]
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