Permanent Summer

Permanent Summer
Indulge in the bright, fluorescent screen printed work from 30 artists at this art show at the Civilian Art Projects. From CAP:
"Much of the work is directly inspired by music, and many of these artists initially began making art in the form of show posters or album artwork. A youthful energy and rock’n’roll aesthetic pulsates throughout this collection. While much of the work is bright and eye-catching on the surface, upon a closer look, there is a darker undercurrent and tone."
The exhibition kicks off with an opening reception on Friday, July 26 from 7-9pm. After party at the Black Cat Red Room Bar. Where: Civilian Arts Project, 1019 7th Street NW. One block South of the Mt. Vernon Square Metro. Who: Art by Debbie Allen, Bert Bergen, Morgan Blair, Brian Chippendale, Rob Corradetti, Sohale Darouian. Ryan Duggan, John Dwyer, El Jefe Design, Fire Studio, Maya Hayuk, LA Johnson, Kayrock, Daniel Luedtke, Noah Lyon, KJ Martinet, Ted McGrath, Michael Nielsen, Laura Perez-Harris, Kimberly Reinhardt, Jason Roy, David Sandlin, Seripop, Kim Sielbeck, Thomas Toye, Chris Uphues, Leah Wishnia, Francis Wong, Xander Marro, Mike Zimmerman [Image: Goodbye Bread by Debbie Allen, via]
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