Eating food that smells bad at work

Eating food that smells bad at work
Trying to conceal the smell of your food has been a struggle since the days of tuna fish sandwiches in your elementary school lunchroom, and though we’re older and (allegedly) wiser, things have not changed. Leftovers are the biggest culprit in the stinking-office-lunch situation. You innocently pull out your Tupperware, take the lid off and pop it into the office microwave. This is where things start going downhill. As your leftovers start heating up, some peculiar smell--which WAS NOT the same smell in your kitchen the night before--starts spreading throughout the office. As much as you'd like to abandon ship and just leave the fetid container of food for whatever poor soul heads to the microwave next, you know that's not really an option. So with your head hanging low, you slink back to your desk and try to wolf down your food before any co-worker has the time to ask "do you smell something weird?" There's one thing that can save you, but only if you plan carefully. Make sure you eat your lunch when one (or as many as possible) of your co-workers is also eating. That way when when the unavoidable question comes up ("Who's eating something that smells like Chinese food?") no one will be able to tell whose lunch is making the entire office smell like a greasy restaurant. [Photo via]
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