Twitterific Tweets

by Rachelle Hruska · July 24, 2009

    @misswill Roger Federer's wife gave birth to twins and Cat Cora gave birth to her son Nash. Baby crazy time! What should I give to Cat as a gift? about 1 hour ago from web

    @babygirlparis Watch the trailer for PARIS NOT FRANCE about 8 hours ago from web


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    @aliwise Watching the yankees game at Blaue Gans. So happy they didn't get rained out. Yummy meal-schnitzel, pretzels, oysters & a chocolate lollipop about 9 hours ago from TwitterBerry

    @ByrdieBell Ok maybe its true that you're boring when you're safe but its absolutely not true that you can't survive on ice-cream about 9 hours ago from TwitterBerry

    @jack RT @jasonliebman: is the coming nyc standard rooftop club going to be the coolest place in nyc? @jack says yes and goes on record saying so about 10 hours ago from Birdfeed

    @keithlissner Well, that was it! For better or worse the fashion show is over. Let's see if they film another season. Thoughts? about 11 hours ago from Twitterrific

    @AshleySimko Can you guess which contestant I know? Hint: "It may be sunny where you are but I'm about to make it rain on Jeopardy!" about 12 hours ago from web

    @jimmyfallon #fallonmonologue In an interview with a German newspaper, Brad Pitt said he doesn't believe in God. about 14 hours ago from web

    @jimmyfallon #fallonmonologue In response God was like - "Seriously? Brad Pitt doesn't believe in me? After all I've done for this guy?" about 14 hours ago from web

    @IvankaTrump Delayed at the airport in Seattle...itching to get home. about 15 hours ago from txt
