Aries: Australia

Never the ones to sit back and relax, Aries are a driven, motivated bunch who live life with zest and enthusiasm. Their optimism is contagious, and often come across as playful. They are always searching for the next interesting activity or hobby that will surely turn heads. This sign wouldn't be caught dead relaxing on a beach for a week straight - they want to go where the action is.

Ideal Solo Vacation: Easily one of the coolest cities to visit, Melbourne, Australia has everything an Aries could ask for. Artsy and adventurous, Melbourne is filled to the brim with bars, museums, and hidden restaurants down every block to explore. Be sure to visit Hosier Lane , a cobblestone lane where graffiti is like the coming and going of the ocean's tides, where street artists create graffiti to cover up its previous décor daily. Upload a shot of it to Instagram, and you'll be likely to receive dozens of double-taps.

[Photo via @kaaaaatttt]

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