Chiva-Som Hua Hin (Thailand)

Chiva-Som Hua Hin (Thailand)
The beach town of Hua Hin is a mere two-hour drive from Bangkok and is home to the world famous Chiva-Som Destination Spa, which many tout to be the best spa resort in the world. Chiva-Som, which translates to “Haven of Life” is not only a spa providing massages and facials, but also a healing facility. They have experts on site to help you reach your goals, whether they be weight loss, stress management, or detoxification and fasting. Your days are planned out for you, ensuring a stress-free, mindless holiday. The best part about Chiva-som - or perhaps the worst - is that mobile phones and cameras are banned on the premise. While the chances of experiencing tech withdrawals are high, it is a small price to pay for how good you will feel after your stay. Not convinced? Naomi Campbell, Elle MacPherson, and the Beckhams all swear by this place. Go HERE for more info! [Photo via]
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