The Veiled Prophet Ball, St. Louis

Veiled Prophet Ball The Veiled Prophet Ball or the VP Ball is steeped in history and ritual. Founded by a secret society in St. Louis named the Veiled Prophet Organization in 1878, the event’s intent was to create a local celebration filled with parades and pageantry. Today the event is called the Fair St. Louis and includes musical performance as well as a private debutante ball for the daughters of prominent St. Louis residents. The ball also highlights the crowing of the Veiled Prophet Queen which represents the Queen of Love and Beauty. During the crowning of the VP Queen, one of the Veiled Prophets dresses in a sheik-like gown, wears a thick veil over his face, and crowns the, uh, lucky (?) girl. As if this ritual wasn’t spooky enough, the selecting of the Queen is done through an unknown process, the details of which have been kept secret for over 100 years, and the shrouded Prophet doing the crowning is bestowed with the temporary, fear-inducing title of “Prophet of Khorassan.” This bizarre event remains a highlight on the St. Louis social calendar, and continues to bring a bit of intrigue to the world of debutante balls. [Photo via @jamiecorley]
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