Marine Survived Craigslist Robbery By Sticking His Hands In Bullet Holes

Marine Survived Craigslist Robbery By Sticking His Hands In Bullet Holes
Who knew battlefield training would be useful in your home country? Lieutenant Colonel Karl Trenker, who had served in Iraq and Afghanistan, learned the hard way back home in Florida when he went to carry out the sale of a gold chain his fiance advertised on Craigslist. One of the potential buyers attempted to steal the chain off of him and when the U.S. Marine chased after them he was shot multiple times. With his kids back in the car, he calmly called his fiance and told her he had been shot.
"I knew I was shot, I just didn't know I was shot that many times. I put my fingers in the holes to stop the bleeding and ran back to the truck and told my kids I had been shot, but not to worry."
He was in critical condition but plugging the bullet holes with his fingers like he learned in training had saved his life. [Source via]
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