Trendy Hangers At C&A Stores Display Facebook 'Likes'

by Daniel Reynolds · June 1, 2012

    On the internet, it's easy to tell the popularity of an item -- customers can give reviews, "Likes," and ratings with the click of a button, helping other browsers quickly find quality and trendy merchandise. Other than a shopping buddy or a salesperson, there isn't a comparable way to get that kind of feedback at brick & mortar stores. That is, until now.

    [Photo via]

    International fashion chain C&A has found an innovative way to link their store with the internet: electronic hangers. Each hanger is wirelessly synced with a picture of the clothing item on the store's Facebook page, and a digital counter displays the number of "Likes" its garment has received.

    It's an easy way to tell if an item is trendy (or trend-ing). And in the world of fashion, where people like to go both with and against the grain, a counter of popular opinion could be a useful measuring tool.

    Right now, the hangers are only available in the retailer's flagship store in Sao Paulo, Brazil. But this could be one trend that catches on worldwide.

    Check out the video of the process. (It's in Portugese, but the visuals should give you the gist.)