50 Sheds of Grey

50 Sheds of Grey [@50ShedsofGrey]
In response to summer's biggest breakout read, disgruntled husbands have united to remind their significant others that Christian Grey is (sorry ladies!) not a real person. And with this Twitter account, that reminder system just became a bit more bearable.  Couples can finally reconcile fictional fantasy with real world relationships, all from the comfort of their very own toolshed.  Mocking stereotypical and slightly outdated gender roles, this account is an oh-so-inappropriate homage to the working man's dream. Account Desciption:
"Erotica for the not-too-modern male"
Followers: ~80,000 Typical Tweet: July 27
'Are you sure you can take the pain?' she demanded, brandishing her new stilettos. 'Yes,' I gulped.'OK,' she said and showed me the receipt.
[Photo via]
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