The Republicans: Rick Santorum

Santorum SunglassesThis former conservative Pennsylvania governor has put in a bid for the Whitehouse and has a descent following.  Besides an anti Iranian nuclear deal petition that stops you before entering his presidential campaign website, Santorum can be seen walking slowly through a meadow with someone who I am guessing is his wife.  And then again with his son, tossing a football around, Santorum is definitely trying to give off the Im just like you vibe.  A pro-life and catholic church advocate, this conservative candidate has some radical ideas.  Santorum has publically announced his disdain for pornography, saying that it causes profound brain changes, promotes violence to women, has widespread negative effects and is something the Obama administration has failed to address.  If elected president, will Santorum change porn forever?  (Side note: researchers state that the allegations about pornography and brain changes are not true although its harmfulness is still being disputed, so dont worry to much.) [Photo via @gopswag]
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