Ariel Hsing

Ariel Hsing, Ping Pong
China has absolutely owned Olympic table tennis since its induction in 1988 taking home 20 of 24 possible gold medals. The US has never earned a medal in the sport. 16 year old ping pong prodigy Ariel Hsing will try and change that in 2012, when she travels to London to show off her wicked spin serve. Hsing has two surprising mentors, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet, or Uncle Bill and Uncle Warren to her. At the age of 9 she was invited to Buffet's 75th Birthday party, and because he is a ping pong enthusiast, he decided to take her under his wing. After her ping pong career ends, Ariel, a straight A student, is interested in going into business with her mentors. Hsing, the daughter of two Chinese immigrants, is the USA's best hope at taking home an Olympic table tennis medal for the first time. [Photo via]
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