[Singing? Photo by Nick McGlynn]
Go to RandomNightOut for more picture from this event by Nick McGlynn
So, in case you were living in a bubble or just came back from the moon, it's a rough time no matter what career you are in. As many may know, when the going gets tough all you need to do is PARTY! This is what people with jobs (er, ex jobs?) in the media did last night at the monthly Media Meshing organized by Gawker's video Guru Richard Blakely at Sweet and Vicious. We encountered lots of gossip and alcoholics of course.
More story and photos after the jump as well as some fun 'facts' from one of our favorite people:
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One ex employee of a certain place got a little too intimate with everyone in the company because 'you can get away with anything there.' There were also Radar unemployed people. Some people under the influence. Some tongues sticking out. Some silly faces.