Coffee Bar K

Coffee Bar K
Usually referred to as "K" bar, this Japanese chain is one of the best places to go if you're tired of your ears ringing. If you're looking for a whiskey or mojito, K Bar sports some of the best bartenders in Seoul. And since this is Korea, it's fine if you ask your bartender to make it quite strong, which, if you don't speak Korean, can be done by simply making a fist and flexing your forearm. If you need a cigar to go with the liquor, they offer Cuban cigars.  And like most bars or lounges in Korea, the top of the bar is lit up in neon and the employees are friendly enough to try their English, but smile and laugh if they don't understand. However, the international language here is the recipes of the bartenders, some of who have placed highly in international competitions. Coffee Bar K- 89-20 Cheongdamn, Gangnam-gu, Seoul [Photo via, via]
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