Naomi Campbell Brings More Crime To NYC

by HANNAH LAWRENCE · March 3, 2010

    Naomi Campbell is known for being badass on the runways (just ask Tyra Banks). But it turns out Cambell's a badass on the streets of Manhattan, too.

    Yesterday, as Miodrag Mejdina was driving the supermodel in a Cadillac Escalade to the Kaufman Astoria Studios in Queens, Campbell apparently "snapped" and outstretched one of her loooooong legs to kick his phone out of his hand. (We'll gloss over how it's now illegal to drive in the city and talk on a cell phone.) Then, perhaps because she missed him, she drove his face down into the steering wheel...just like they do in the movies!

    27 year-old Mejdina pulled over just before crossing the Queensboro Bridge, where he reported the smackdown to nearby police and was taken to the 17th precinct to be treated for brusing and swelling under his eyes. New York's finest then began to "search" for Campbell, since after pummelling Mejdina, she got out of the car and ran off somewhere like a crazy lyme disease-infected deer. The police have since stopped looking for her because Mejdina decided against pressing charges.

    Now, this is hardly the Victoria's Secret model's first run-in with the law. Her criminal ways actually date back as far as 2000, which we'll delightfully recap for you.

    In 2000, she pleaded guilty to assaulting her assistant, Georgina Galanis, in 1998 with a hotel room telephone and threatening to throw her out of a car. Campbell expressed remorse to the court and she settled with Galanis for an undisclosed sum.

    After taking five years off, Campbell slapped Amanda Brack with her Blackberry in 2005 because a pair of her jeans were missing. The following year, Brack charged Campbell with physically and emotionally abusing her on three different continents. Campbell countersued for something, and the whole thing was settled out of court.

    In 2006, Campbell was arrested for throwing a bedazzled phone at housekeeper Ana Scolavino's head, which gave her a gash that required stitches. Campbell was charged with second degree assault, a felony that's punishable with one to seven years in jail. She was sentenced to five days of community service, two days of anger management courses, and to pay for her housekeeper's medical bills. She was also guilty of wearing this poncho and making orange look like a good color.

    naomi campbell

    In 2008, she assaulted a police officer in London's Heathrow Airport, after her bags were lost. She was banned from flying on British Airways and charged with three counts of assaulting a "constable," which carries a maximum of six months in prison and upwards of £7,000 in fines. After she pled guilty, however, the charges were dropped.

    The moral of this story is don't work for, or even try and befriend, Naomi Campbell. Things will not end well for you.

    [images via faustablog, celebritysmackblog, and papermag]