You Should Know: Of A Kind's Claire Mazur & Erica Cerulo

by guestofaguest · October 17, 2014

    Erica Cerulo, Claire Mazur

    Erica Cerulo and Claire Mazur are the co-founders of Of A Kind, the online site that supports up-and-coming fashion designers in the pursuit of unique products and the stories behind them. Currently, the site features collections including 7115, Anne Yee, Dusen Dusen, Collina Strada, Rachel Rose, Wren, and many more. In addition, the site features exclusive interviews with the designers represented on the site, giving readers inside access into the people behind the brands. Of a Kind has landed praise in both print and web publications, including WWD, W, Los Angeles Times, and The Wall Street Journal, as well as on The Today Show. This year, Forbes named Claire one of their "Forbes 30 Under 30," an impressive recognition!  We can't get enough of the Of A Kind girls and their skyrocketing careers. This is a duo you should definitely know!

    [You Should Know]

    More Erica and Claire.

    Claire Mazur, Erica CeruloErica Cerulo, Claire Mazur [Thomas Sires, Leoffler Randall, Of A Kind jewelry, Reformation, Madewell]

    Occupation: Co-founders Of A Kind ( Instagram/Twitter: @clairemazur, @ericacerulo

    Claire: "Ask for what you want." Erica: "Be yourself."

    Claire Mazur Questionnaire

    Erica Cerulo Questionnaire


    What do you actually do all day? Try not to worry so much.

    Favorite song growing up? You Can Call Me Al.

    My biggest secret is... In my hair (that's why it's so big).

    Uber, Taxi, Subway, or Citi Bike? UBER!

    My motto is... Ask for what you want.

    My alter ego is... Super calm, always.

    The last drink I had was... Erica, my biz partner, brings me a big iced tea every morning. She's the best.

    My secret crush is... Danny Castellano.

    What was your first job? Babysitting.

    If you had one day left to live in NYC what would you do? Cry?

    Coming from? Going to? Work - take a friend shopping for his wedding suit!

    What is your favorite work of art? A water color that my grandmother painted of my parent's house, where I grew up and go married. We used it as our wedding invitations!

    Who should we know?


    What do you actually do all day? Oof- all kinds of things. Edit all the words that appear on, oversee marketing, come up with witty coupon code puns, and do all of the crazy things you do when you have your own biz.

    Favorite song growing up? Something from the "My Girl" soundtrack

    My biggest secret is... Not so juicy :(

    Why do you live in NYC? All the things.

    Uber, Taxi, Subway, or Citi Bike? Subway, ALL THE WAY.

    My motto is... Be yourself.

    My alter ego is... Someone who goes to bed a whole lot later.

    The last drink I had was... Tequila and watermelon juice deliciousness.

    My secret crush is... Hugh Grant. All the way.

    What was your first job? Editorial assistant at Details Mag

    If you had one day left to live in NYC what would you do? Hang at a restaurant with a pretty backyard with all my pals, that's what

    Coming from? Going to? Work - work.

    What is your favorite work of art? Your face.

    Who should we know? The chicks who made my necklace - Lizzie and Kathryn Fortunato. They're twins who finish each other's sentences, and they couldn't be cuter OR more talented.