Twitterific Tweets: Apartment Hoarding and Bittersweet Departures

by CHRISTINE LAI · July 27, 2010

    @ cjronson So much to get done before my trip... Leaving nyc is always so bittersweet...- -

    @ AJMukamal tie-dye. duh. RT @OscarPRGirl: Subway trends: tie-dye, lip color, equestrian hardware.- - -

    @ BenWiddicombe Meth Lab (n): Your neighbor's barky dog that's been driven insane by being locked inside a hot NYC apartment all day- - -

    @ mgogel Packing up my apt. I think I'm a hoarder- - - -

    @ CarsonGriffith Dear taxi driver, could u not catch every red light? Kthanksbye. #late #dinner #pierre #moviepremiere- - -

    @ caitlinmoe road trip to SF w @miamoretti and @diggylloyd. impromptu photoshoot in the olive trees. now blasting the 'aladdin' soundtrack #wholenewworld- - - @ bevyjreyes I hate Mosquitos but they sure love me. #fuckers #20bites- - - -

    @ JENNIWOW off to ring the NYSE bell this morning don't miss it!!!