Things to Remember:

Things to Remember:
Oktoberfest FactsWe've covered nearly all the Oktoberfest basics, but there are still a couple of key things to remember while enjoying your time in the Wiesen. NEVER stand on the tables in the beer tents. The benches are fine, but one more step up all you'll quickly see yourself removed. GET UP EARLY! As we said, Oktoberfest is visited by over 6 million people a year, and with only 14 large tents to accommodate them, the earlier you wake up the better your chances are of getting a table. ALWAYS be polite to your waiter/waitress. This might seem like common sense, but with some tents packing in over 5000 people per sitting, you can sometimes feel like you're doing more waiting than drinking. Don't project your attitude on to your server, they're doing the best they can! EIN PROSIT. Know it. Live it. Love it. This traditional German drinking song is played roughly every 20 minutes by the tent bands and the locals will be impressed if you stand up to join them in their massive cheers! Check out a clip of the song here. [Photo via]
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