In an effort to finally live my best eco life (and coincidentally maybe also prepare for an apocalypse), I bought a SodaStream. I would not be surprised if there is a notable shift in the trajectory of climate change because of this - I drink A LOT of club soda every day. After I schlepped to Bed Bath and Beyond to buy the normal SodaStream model, literally an hour later a friend informed me I really should have gone with the more premier SodaStream Aqua Fizz. Being the easily influenced consumer that I am, I quickly marched straight back to Chelsea to return my old machine and pick up the cooler version.

The Aqua Fizz carbonation process takes place in a closed capsule, so no threat of water ending up everywhere. Plus it comes with glass bottles instead of plastic, which just feels like more of a Gwyneth Paltrow move, you know?

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