5. You Have A Better Shot At That New Job (And Are Less Likely To Be Overworked)

If you're in the job market, your unattached status may give your application a boost! According to CNNMoney, companies are snagging up more singles. Unattached Americans recovered 90% of the five million jobs lost during the recession. Married people? A significantly less impressive 22% of 6 million jobs. And when you do earn that position, you're less likely to be overworked. You're more willing to endure a crazy commute, long meetings and even longer hours, when you have a spouse (and possibly, kids) who are depending on you. According to Match.com's third annual Singles In America Single study, married people work more overtime than single people (33% vs. 26%). In particular, 43% of married men work over 40 hours in a week compared to 29% of single men and 24% of single women.
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