Get Mossy

by COLLEEN KROPP · May 30, 2008

     Yesterday, I journeyed to Soho and went to Moss for the first time. Needless to say, the store put me in sensory overload. The two-floor gallery-esque store has an incredible amount of custom designed furniture and amenities, all done up in an unconventionally funky and intricate fashion. Some of the pieces are just absolutely incredible, ranging from 900 pound intimidating solid boudoirs to a set of plates with various facial expressions on them.

    My personal favorite was the "Made By Bees" Collection – a set of vases made entirely out of honeycomb. Don't know how conducive they would be to holding flowers, but at least they look cool.

    Moss began in 1994 under Murray Moss, and has been growing ever since. Granted, I can't say I can afford anything in there right now, but now I know where to go when I'm rolling in the dough and need some good conversation pieces.