Craft Beer Snob

Remember that girl that you kind of hung out with your freshman year of college who said she didn't drink Smirnoff because "it's cheap vodka" and "too high school?" And then when she wasn't looking you switched out her Grey Goose with Smirnoff to see if she noticed and she didn't? And then the next morning she was complaining of having a worse hangover than usual and you felt kind of guilty because cheaper vodka does give you a bad hangover? This kind of guy is the equivalent of that girl. It's almost enticing to go on a date with him to see if he notices when you switch out what they ordered for something a frat boy would drink if he was aiming to get obliterated with only $7.48 in his debit account. This also applies to "whiskey connoisseur" and "cigar aficionado."

[Photo via @scbeernerd

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