4. He "negs" you

"Negging" is a technique used by wannabe pickup artists who've spent too much time in their parents' basements to learn how to socialize properly, and it only works on insecure women. When a man "negs" you, he'll give an exceedingly backhanded compliment or outright insult you so you feel the need to prove your worth to him. For example, they'll ask your pals, "Do you ever get a word in edgewise?" or he'll compliment your outfit but say something like, "Your outfit's cute, but why those boots?" Or, "You're so pretty, but you'd look even better with more makeup/without those bangs/if you lost 10 pounds." When a man "negs" you, he's really saying, "I need you to be insecure because I don't know how the f*ck else to get laid." You don't need to prove your worth to someone who "negs" you. You do need to leave (or maybe kick him in the nuts) then leave. But whatever you do, don't give him your number and never sleep with him. Because if it works, he's going to keep being a sexist troglodyte — and that's not fair to the rest of us.
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