Evaluate your expectations

No one is perfect. If you’re looking for a guy who ticks every box you can think of, you’ll be searching forever. We all have faults, flaws, failures even – you know that you yourself have them, so why would you ever expect to meet a guy who has none of his own? Your real-life prince isn’t going to be someone who sails through life untainted, unhurt, resoundingly ideal in every imaginable way. He will be a man who has his foibles, but who is self-aware enough to know and accept them and adjust accordingly. He will be a guy who lives his life in a state of perpetual self-development, always looking to better himself and do the right thing. If you can find it in yourself to manage your expectations, you could be amazed at just who you find. When you think about it, you don’t really know anything about that guy in the office, or the guy you see every day as you queue for coffee. Attraction is a deep-rooted thing. The feeling of attraction will find you – you do not find it. Give people a chance to prove themselves to you – you’ll be surprised where attraction can spring from.

[Photo via Unsplash]

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