Eavesdropping Is What Guests Do Best...

by guestofaguest · April 22, 2009

    Social media really is taking over nightlife, and not just another nerd Meetup at Bowery Electric, now there are plans to Twitterize the "new" Webster Hall [Observer]

    "Confessions of a TARP Wife" elicits no sympathy, and the anonymous author is now unmasked, we think [Portfolio and NYPost]

    Worried about your Google results and their effects on potential SOs and employers?  Never fear, the 'plex has given you a new tool to protect your reputation [Urbanite]

    Every man should embrace his bisexuality - it's the new "it" thing apparently, be it among techies or top comedy stars, or something [DailyBeast]

    22 years of devotion to one man is admirable, right?  What if that man is the "Preppie Killer"? (not the Craigslist guy, the original) [NYT]