Eavesdropping In: Woman Suing Match.com Over Sexual Assault, Japanese Suffering 'Earthquake Sickness'

by Mara Siegler · April 14, 2011

    Birther scandal! There is new evidence that Sarah Palin is not Trig's real mother. [BusinessInsider]

    Goldman Sachs may have criminally misled its clients, the Senate’s Subcommittee on Investigations has concluded. [Bloomberg]

    A Los Angeles woman is suing Match.com for failing to screen out a man who she says sexually assaulted her. [LAT]

    Catherine Zeta-Jones has checked into a mental health clinic for her bipolar illness. [ABCNews]

    Doctors have been treating large numbers of people suffering from "earthquake sickness." Sufferers sometimes think the ground is shaking even when it isn't; other symptoms include dizziness and anxiety. [NYT]