Eavesdropping In: Katie Couric Out At CBS, Taylor Swift Wins Big At ACM Awards

by Mara Siegler · April 4, 2011

    Two of Moammar Gadhafi’s sons have offered a plan for Libya: they would push their father from power, allowing son Seif al-Islam to helm a constitutional democracy. [NYT]

    Charlie Sheen may have totally bombed in Detroit with his  Violent Torpedo of Truth tour, but with a few changes, he managed to score a standing ovation last night in Chicago.[ChicagoTribune]

    A CBS Evening News official has confirmed that Katie Couric is leaving her anchor post. She plans to start a syndicated talk show some time next year. [AP]

    A new statue of Michael Jackson erected outside London's 115-year-old Craven Cottage home stadium of the Fulham soccer team, is going to stay, regardless of its many critics. [TheGuardian]

    President Obama has announced his reelection bid via web video and an email stating that “today, we are filing papers to launch our 2012 campaign.” [HuffPo]

    Taylor Swift won big at the ACM awards. [Celebuzz]