Eavesdropping In: John Galliano Blames Drugs For Anti-Semitism, Google Breaks 1 Billion Uniques

by Mara Siegler · June 22, 2011

    Wimbledon officials have told female players to stop making distracting grunts. [Telegraph]

    John Galliano will blame drugs and claim amnesia today at his Paris trial for an anti-Semitic tirade against a Jewish customer in a local bar. [Reuters]

    Uh oh. Newt Gingrich had a second line of credit at Tiffany's worth close to $1 million. [WP]

    Google brought in more than 1 billion unique visitors in May, marking the first time an Internet company can claim that honor. [WSJ]

    Columbia Records executives fear Beyoncé's new album, "4," could be a dud after she refused to return to the studio to re-record new tracks, sources say.[P6]