You're Invited: The Worldfund's 3rd Annual Summer Fiesta Tonight

by guestofaguest · July 17, 2013

    Join Worldfund for their 3rd Annual Summer Fiesta tonight! Skip out of work early, get a blow out and re-paint your nails, so you can make a grand appearance at the annual soiree. The night will be full of drinking and dancing in support of the Worldfund's mission to deliver world-class training and ongoing support to teachers and principals from under-served schools in Latin America. If you haven't already purchased your ticket, it's not too late. Check out more details below and find out how to score the last few tickets!

    Go HERE to purchase tickets online!

    Where: Bowery Hotel, 335 Bowery

    When: Wednesday, July 17, 7:00pm - 11:00pm

    What: Enjoy drinks, a silent auction and music by DJ Phresh.

    For more information on Worlfund's Junior Committee, check out our recent interview with the girls HERE!

    This exciting event is being hosted by Worldfund's Junior & Subcommittee Members: Francesca de la Rama, Francesca Gottardo, Lila Ontiveros, Rachel Quigley, Camila Rachmanis, Erin Sale, Sandra Trevino, Johanna Anchundia, Sarah Bernstein, Santiago Dañino-Beck, Dante DiCicco, Kate McCoubrey, Michelle Shemilt, Carla Vass, Dallas Warren, and Sarah Watterson.