Bear Stearns Supports The Sport Of Squash

by guestofaguest · February 7, 2008

    bear stearns tournament of champions

    [Photo via Tocsquash]

    Grand Central is one of my favorite places in the city.  Every time I walk into the main big corridor, I feel like I am back in a black and white film, waiting to say goodbye to my lover.  Many people are unaware of the multitude of events that take place inside this gem.  One such event is the Bear Stearn's annual Tournament of Champions squash competition, (isn't it fitting that such institution WOULD be the ones supporting this tournament, it is probably a prerequisite that you know how to play on getting hired there).  The photo above is from this years' tournament held last month.  How cool is it to be able to sit inside one of our oldest buildings and be able to watch squash in a most modern manner?  The tournament was started in 1995 and has continued to gain world recognition.  Go here (official site) to see the winners of this years tournament, as well as more on its history.