Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow
Eyebrows raised when New York's most recent super-religious star athlete, Knicks Guard Jeremy Lin, was spotted clubbing in the meatpacking district in May. No one ever thought the soft spoken humble Harvard grad could be engulfed by NYC's club scene, but there he was, drinking and having a good time with some teammates in the club. Could Tim Tebow be the next high-profile Christian athlete to succumb to New York nightlife? A few gentleman's clubs have already reached out to the virgin Quarterback in attempt to seduce him with lap dances. Brother Jimmy's satirically created the "No Sex On the Beach" beverage in honor of the former Heisman winner. Even Jay Z's 40/40 Club has announced that they will stock up on sparkling cider, anticipating a visit from the non-drinker. Tebow impressively abstained from both women and alcohol during his tenure at the University of Florida, a notorious party school, but resisting the temptations of the Big Apple will be an entirely different challenge. See also: [The New York Jets Are Scared Tim Tebow Will Fall Prey To The Demons Of NYC Nightlife]
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